Supply Vessels

Ensuring Safe and Efficient Rig Transportation

Rig Route understands the critical nature of transporting oil rig equipment. Our expert team specializes in Rig Sea-Worthy Packing, a meticulous process designed to safeguard your valuable assets during transit.

Our comprehensive service encompasses a range of essential steps:

We conduct a detailed inspection of each piece of equipment to assess its condition and identify any potential vulnerabilities.

Our skilled technicians design and fabricate custom packaging solutions tailored to the specific needs of your equipment. This includes the use of high-quality materials such as crates, boxes, and protective coverings.

We employ advanced crating and blocking techniques to ensure that your equipment remains securely in place during transportation.

Clear and accurate labeling and documentation are essential for smooth customs clearance and efficient logistics.

We adhere to strict quality control standards to minimize the risk of damage or loss during transit.

By entrusting your Rig Sea-Worthy Packing needs to Rig Route, you can rest assured that your equipment will arrive at its destination safely and on time. Our commitment to excellence and attention to detail have earned us a reputation as a trusted partner in the oil and gas industry.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)