Rig Cleaning and Washing

A Comprehensive Service

Rig Route understands the critical importance of maintaining a clean and safe work environment on your oil rig. Our comprehensive rig cleaning and washing services are designed to remove dirt, debris, and hazardous substances, ensuring optimal performance and longevity of your equipment.

Our experienced team utilizes state-of-the-art cleaning techniques and eco-friendly solutions to effectively clean all components of your rig, including:

Thorough removal of oil spills, mud, and other contaminants to prevent slip-and-fall accidents and equipment damage.

Detailed cleaning of drilling equipment, pumps, valves, and other machinery to ensure smooth operation and extend their lifespan.

Safe and efficient removal of sludge, scale, and other residues from tanks to maintain optimal storage capacity.

By choosing Rig Route for your rig cleaning and washing needs, you can expect:

A cleaner work environment reduces the risk of accidents and injuries.

Clean equipment operates more efficiently, leading to increased productivity.

Regular cleaning and maintenance prolong the lifespan of your valuable assets.

Our services adhere to industry standards and environmental regulations.

Contact Rig Route today to learn more about our comprehensive rig cleaning and washing services and how we can help you maintain a clean, safe, and efficient operation.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)