Handling Tools

Casing Tong

Casing Tong

Tubing Tong

Tubing Tong
Tubing Tong

Tubing Spiders / Slip Bowls

Tubing Spiders
Tubing Spiders / Slip Bowls

Rotary Slip

Rotary Slips play a crucial role in Onshore and Offshore drilling operations by securely holding the tubular in the Rotary Table during specific operations. Depending on the type of tubular being handled, there are different slips available such as Drill Pipe Slips, Drill Collar Slips, Tubing Slips, and Casing Slips. Slip sizes and API specifications match the size of the tubular and the drill well’s depth for effective use.

Rotary Slip

Part List Of ABRS - RSST Short Rotary Slips (SDS)

Part List Of ABRS - RSST Short Rotary Slips (SDS)

Part List Of ABRS - RSST Short Rotary Slips (SDS)

Part List Of ABRS - RSMD Rotary Medium Slips (SDML)

Part List Of ABRS - RSLG Extra Long Rotary Slips (SDXL)

Part List Of ABRS - RSLG Extra Long Rotary Slips (SDXL)

RHS - Rotary Slip

The RHS – Rotary Slip is designed to handle heavy-duty tasks and features a 161/2″ gripping length with an API taper of 4 inches per foot in diameter. This slip is primarily used to hold the drill pipe during insertion or extraction from the hole. It offers uniform load distribution, preventing bottleneck damage to the drill pipe. The slip’s body can be easily altered to accommodate different pipe sizes by changing out the inserts.

Rotary Slip
Rotary Slip

Safety Clamp

The Safety Clamp is a reliable and safe tool used during the installation of various types of tubulars. This tool is manufactured using high-grade alloy steel that is hardened, tempered, and tested for controlled hardness with ultrasonic or magnetic particle testing. The clamp can be used for large-diameter surface casing, drilling risers, casing heads, and lifting prepacked gravel liners. Additionally, the multi-link design provides even pressure around the pipe, reducing the risk of crushing or surface damage. Each link with a tapered slip is easy to interchange and can fit pipe diameters from 2.7/8″ to 36″.

Safety Clamp

Drill Collar Slip

The Drill Collar Slips are segmented slips designed to handle drill collars during the running process. They aid in centering the pipes in the rotary table while protecting the drill collars from damage. These slips conform to the API-7K specification and feature an API taper of 4 inches per foot in diameter. They come with circular buttons, and the handles are available in either flexible or standard formats.

Drill Collar Slip

Casing Slip

Casing Slips are dynamic and flexible multi-segment slips specifically designed for casing pipe operations. Their carefully crafted construction enables pipes to self-center within the rotary table, ensuring a secure grip without risking damage. These slips come with multiple segments, which can be easily adjusted to adapt to casing pipes ranging from 5 to 30 inches in outer diameter. Simply choose the correct number of slip segments and inserts to prepare the slip for your casing.

We offer an extensive range of Casing Slips that effectively cover pipe sizes from 5 inches to 30 inches in diameter. Each slip features circular buttons and 3-4 flexible handles, ensuring easy handling and efficient operation. All our slips are manufactured to conform to the API-7K specifications and possess an API taper of 4 inches per foot on the diameter for compatibility and reliability in drilling operations.

Casing Slip


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